Malaysiakini : Thousands at Kelana Jaya to hear Anwar
while more than 10 thousand holding a fuel hike protest at Kelana Jaya stadium yesterday "6th July", in Penang.. more or less the same amount of crowd searching for a holidays destination at the Pisa stadium Matta Fair.
I was there yesterday with my wife looking for a nice hoidays to getaway from all this politically shit and i couldn't believe my eyes.. the stadium is pack with people rushing to spend money for holidays. so all the hype about the burden to the people and bla bla bla? all the complaints about chicken rice went up 50cents? to be honest! i don't see that happening in Penang at all or is that because the imcome margin has gone to a level where the poor getting poorer and been marginised? conclusion.. i don't see any changes of lifestyle wth the people of penang "at all" or we don't really need to?
more 30 thousand people protesting "money not enough" : more than 30 thousand peope buying holidays.
sign off - cv
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